I have seen multiple comments that "the open office is dead", particularly referring to high density cubicles with little or no height barriers between them. While it may not be dead, it is certainly sick... It is unlikely that employees will want to come back to work where they perceive there is danger. But companies cannot reconfigure their office space to provide "social distancing" spacing quickly or affordably. So for those companies who cannot or will not implement a permanent distributed workforce strategy, they are in trouble. This creates a massive opportunities for office furniture companies. Can they create add-on components to their existing products that can extend vertically to provide at least some protection, while maintaining collegiality and eliminate the need to expand square footage? I think they can, and they must. Keep an eye out on those office furniture companies focused on these new add on products. I suspect that their sales (and their stock price) will soon be going up #distributedworkforce #officespace #officedesign #officefurniture